Payday loans, title loans, and personal loans are all considered short-term loans, and they can be a lifesaver for those who need money quickly. However, they attract high interest rates as well as short repayment periods and it is not difficult for the borrower to get into a cycle of repayments if they are not well managed. This trap has to be avoided through planning, discipline and having a clear repayment strategy in place. In this article, the author will discuss how one can approach the repayment of short-term loans and present tips on how not to get trapped in a cycle of debt.
What Short-Term Loans Are?
It is crucial to define short-term loans before proceeding to the analysis of the debt management approach. In contrast to conventional loans, short-term loans are usually intended for a short term, which may be between two weeks and a few months. These loans can help one to access the money within a short period of time but this comes with very high interest rates and fees and thus one may end up struggling to repay the loan if he or she does not have a good strategy.
Common types of short-term loans include:
Payday loans:
Payday loans are also called cash advance loans and are usually repaid at the next payday and come with very high fees.
Title loans:
These are also bad and short term loans which are offered based on the value of your car title.
Personal loans:
A loan that is not secured by an asset and may have longer maturity but can be short if both the creditor and the contract agree.
- Develop a clear schedule of repayments
The first way of dealing with short-term loan debt is to develop a comprehensive repayment plan. This assists you in keeping to a schedule and also guarantees that you will be able to meet the set deadlines of your lender.
- Avoiding the Minimum Payment Only
If your short-term loan agreement permits you to make partial payments, it is advisable that you pay more than the minimum amount. This is useful in paying off the loan principal faster and you end up paying less interest charges in the long run.
- Debt Snowball or Debt Avalanche Method
There are two main approaches to eliminating several loans: the debt snowball and the debt avalanche methods. While both methods are systematic in the approach that they use to eliminate debt, there is a difference in the way that you choose which loan to pay off first.
- Debt Snowball Method:
This method involves repaying the loan with the least balance regardless of the interest rate charged. After the first smallest loan is paid off, the next smallest loan is paid off and the process continues. It is good to be encouraged by the fact that getting rid of the small debts can give you a psychological boost.
- Debt Avalanche Method:
This strategy helps to focus on the loan with the highest interest rate first, which will help you save more money. After eliminating the debt with the highest interest rate, the next is paid off followed by the next, until all debts are paid.
- Consolidate Loans if Possible
Loan consolidation involves combining multiple short-term loans into one larger loan, ideally with a lower interest rate. This simplifies the repayment process by allowing you to make a single monthly payment rather than managing multiple due dates and lenders. Additionally, the reduced interest rate can help lower your overall debt burden.
Consider these options for loan consolidation:
- Personal loans:
Many banks or online lenders offer personal loans that can be used to consolidate high-interest short-term loans.
- Balance transfer credit cards:
Some credit cards offer low or 0% interest on balance transfers for a limited period. You can transfer your short-term loan debt to the credit card and pay it off before the promotional period ends.
- Cut Non-Essential Expenses
If you’re struggling to repay your short-term loan, it may be time to review your budget and cut back on non-essential expenses. By reallocating the money saved from unnecessary purchases, you can increase the amount available to pay off your debt.
- Reduce dining out:
Preparing meals at home can save you a significant amount of money each month.
- Limit subscriptions:
Cancel or pause subscription services that aren’t critical, such as streaming platforms, gym memberships, or magazines.
- Postpone large purchases:
If you’ve been planning a non-essential purchase, consider postponing it until you’ve paid off your debt.
- Avoid Taking Out New Loans
The most effective technique of escaping the debt trap is the ability to refrain from acquiring new loans while servicing existing ones. Taking more loans can appear as a perfect way to solve short-term problems, while, in fact, it will only make the situation worse.
If you’re facing an unexpected expense while managing short-term loan repayments, explore alternative solutions, such as:
- Emergency assistance programs:
There are local charities, government programs or non-profit organizations that provide financial help for utilities, rent or medical bills.
- Negotiating with creditors:
Speak to your lenders to learn about possibilities of flexible repayment plans or hardship options.
- Using savings:
The first thing you should do is exhaust all your savings if you have any instead of applying for a new loan.
- If the situation gets worse, consult a professional.
If you find yourself in a situation where you have accumulated short-term loan debt and you do not know what to do, then it is advisable that you consult a financial expert or a credit counseling agency. A credit counselor can assist you to develop a debt management plan, negotiate with your creditors and offer you advice on how to handle your credit.
Bottom Line
The only way to repay short term loans is through proper planning, discipline and at times innovation. When developing a repayment schedule, paying more than the minimum amount due, and avoiding the use of other high-interest forms of credit, the applicant can avoid getting trapped in a cycle of high-interest debt. At Larvin Advance Loans we believe that it is important for the borrowers to be financially responsible and to seek assistance to get back on track. By following the right steps, you can clear your short term loans and attain long term financial freedom.